Priv. Doz. Dr. Dr. med. Jörg Keller
Dermatologist and Venerologist FMH, specialist in allergology and phlebology
Dr. Jörg Keller passed his state examination and doctorate at the University Clinic Freiburg i.Br., completed a specialist training for dermatology / venereology, gained habilitation with teaching assignment and was appointed senior physician at the University Hospital Erlangen.
During stays abroad in Paris and Boston, he studied innovative therapies in various areas of dermatology and acquired additional titles of the fields of allergy, phlebology and proctology.
In 1992 he was appointed chief physician of the Department of Dermatology and Phlebology at Bad-Cannstatt Hospital, and became Medical Director of the Department of Dermatology and Phlebology (Klinikum Stuttgart) in 2003. From 2003 to 2007 he was also First Medical Director of Bad Cannstatt Hospital.
He has full training qualifications in dermatology / venerology, phlebology and proctology. He was appointed examiner for dermatology / venereology and allergology by the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association. He is author of 60 original papers and book contributions, about 350 advanced continuing medical education lectures and television broadcasts.
Special expertise and scientific focus: phlebology, plastic dermatosurgery, aesthetic surgery, laser therapy, neurodermatitis and scleroderma.
Consultations by appointment in German, English, French and Spanish.